Tag Archive | Colon Cancer Awareness

Looking Back and Giving Thanks 🙏🏽💗

 Image result for year in review 2016


2016 has been quite the year; filled with challenges but most of all blessings. I couldn’t have done it alone so I’d like to thank everyone for all your love and support as I negotiated the Cancer landscape.

I’m showcasing this post as my Year in Review feature because it captured my emotions, resolve, and gratitude for the trials I believe God placed in my path to help grow my Faith and Spirit. 


Image result for faith and gratitude


This piece is very powerful for me and from the feedback, has touched many. So, with Love and Gratitude, I now present from March 2016: “Defying Gravity”.


defying gravity changed


I’ve now reached my 11th out of 12 chemotherapy treatments. I’m filled with so many emotions but the primary one is thank you, God, for your grace and favor while physically jumping up and down with joy!

I created this video as an expression of my feelings and experiences with fighting cancer. The song “Defying Gravity” from the Broadway play “Wicked” perfectly describes what I’ve taken away from my cancer journey. 


Shedding fears, my unwavering faith and belief that God is always with me and that I can accomplish anything I set my mind to is such a freeing and powerful realization I’ve been blessed to receive. 


defying gravity

My message and desire for everyone is to embrace your faith and shed your fear. We only get one life, let’s enjoy it!




1 Year Ago Today – Day 1 of My Chemotherapy Journey 🙏🏽💕

defying gravity changed


Today I celebrate being Cancer Free and look back at my first day of Chemotherapy. What a difference a year makes. The uncertainty of the road ahead but complete faith in God’s healing love. 

I still believe what I said a year ago that God loves me so much he placed this task before me to strengthen my faith and raise my consciousness to a higher level.

I can’t express enough my gratitude and thankfulness for all the love and support from my family and friends. Today I celebrate you and how you lifted me through prayer and faith, helping me in Defying Gravity.


My heart is so full. I love you all!


I created this video on my 11th out of 12 chemo treatments as an expression of my feelings and experiences with fighting cancer. The song “Defying Gravity” from the Broadway play “Wicked” perfectly describes what I’ve taken away from my cancer journey. 


Shedding fears, my unwavering faith and belief that God is always with me and that I can accomplish anything I set my mind to is such a freeing and powerful realization I’ve been blessed to receive. 


defying gravity

My message and desire for everyone is to embrace your faith and shed your fear. We only get one life, let’s enjoy it!




The Absolutely Perfect Day!


My Birthday/Chemo Over Party was absolutely incredible! Words can’t express my heartfelt feelings of appreciation and jubilation. The blessing of sharing this day with my fabulous family and friends was a dream come true! I’d been planning this celebration in my head for months, and my bestie Carmen and her husband, Ron opened up their hearts and beautiful home to make the day complete. I thank you and love you forever!


I moved away from my family, friends, and hometown of Detroit years ago so I don’t get to share in the day to day moments. When I decided to throw this bash it was very important for me to go home to commemorate the remarkable accomplishments of my colon and breast cancer journey. I am living proof of the power of prayer and the miracle of God. As we traveled back to Charlotte my husband noted that there was a light and expression of happiness on my face that lit up the entire room. 

I’m still grinning, rejoicing and reveling in God’s blessings, grace, and favor!

Wow! What an amazing feeling.


Future So Bright – Gotta Wear Shades! 😎

Now that chemotherapy has wound down, I’m entering unchartered territory again. I will be doing hormone therapy for my breast cancer and that’s about popping a daily pill which presents its own side effects. But, not to worry, because I’ve already put out into the Universe that once again I will not suffer any major side effects.

I am still somewhat tethered to my Oncologist since I will be checking in periodically for lab tests to make sure my body is adjusting and coming back from the cancer drugs. In the meantime it’s:

Celebration Time!


Yes, I’m currently planning a blowout Birthday/Chemo Over Party! It’ll be really great to see friends and family again since I haven’t during my cancer treatments. Having it in my hometown to catch up with friends (some of whom I haven’t seen since college) and family to really make this a joyous occasion!

Aerial Fireworks burst over the Snake River in Idaho Falls, Idaho.

I’ve also signed up for my first Survivor Dinner and Relay Race! I didn’t join any support groups after I was diagnosed because talking to you guys through this blog has been the best therapy and support I could ever have. I bonded with fellow patients during my chemo treatment so it’ll be nice to meet survivors at the dinner.


The Relay Race should also be fun. At first, I was skeptical because I haven’t run or done a relay for years. My Nurse “Angel” Navigator who has been with me since the beginning assured me that I don’t have to run, just take a survivor victory lap for cheers and support from friends and family. Okay, I said, if that’s the deal, I’m totally in!


So, a lot to look forward to on the horizon. And as I’ve been told – my future’s so bright, I gotta wear shades!  💖😎






In Celebration of Angels 😇

God’s love, mercy and grace know no bounds and God sent his angels to support me all around.

I’m dedicating this post to the two angels who have brightened my life and taken such incredible care of me!

Nurse Stephanie

Nurse Stephanie

From day one Nurse Stephanie put her angel wings around me, making me feel safe and secure. We bonded immediately and our friendship endures. Thanks so much for making my life and needs a priority by listening and addressing all my concerns. Your loving care is priceless. You rock! 💖

Nurse Chad

Nurse Chad

The Chad! Thanks so much for your warmth, patience and sincerity. I watched your interactions with other patients and knew that I was in great hands. Confident and strong with the biggest heart inside. I always knew you were there for me. 😘

Celebrate Life! – Last Chemo!

God is truly amazing! He’s walked with me every step of the way and my life has been forever changed because of his grace and favor. Through him, I’ve been given the strength and determination to prevail through my colon and breast cancer journey. My life has been blessed with the love and support of family and friends, doctors and nurses and I want to thank you all for your encouragement and prayers. I love you all!

Dreams do come true. Always Believe!


blessings Gods Hands




1 More Chemo to Go!

defying gravity changed


I’ve now reached my 11th out of 12 chemotherapy treatments. I’m filled with so many emotions but the primary one is thank you, God, for your grace and favor while physically jumping up and down with joy!

I created this video as an expression of my feelings and experiences with fighting cancer. The song “Defying Gravity” from the Broadway play “Wicked” perfectly describes what I’ve taken away from my cancer journey. 


Shedding fears, my unwavering faith and belief that God is always with me and that I can accomplish anything I set my mind to is such a freeing and powerful realization I’ve been blessed to receive. 


defying gravity

My message and desire for everyone is to embrace your faith and shed your fear. We only get one life, let’s enjoy it!




Perserverance – Embracing the Hills

Throughout my cancer journey, I’ve always looked for quotes, videos, songs to inspire and motivate me to thrive, “push through the hills” and reach my personal success. I like to share these words and moments with others to hopefully inspire self-realization and strength. I came across this motivational video on YouTube and was moved, encouraged and felt like, I get it and I intend to live my life always pushing forward and embracing the hills.


Always Remember

Never Give Up